0409 701 251

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Rose Pruning

Rose care & pruning services


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Whipper Snipping Services

JGS Group provides whipper snipper services for your property.

Vacant blocks of land that are overgrown need to be looked after on a regular basis.

JGS Group can provide that service for you.

We can provide services on any vacant land and large industrial estates and body corporate complexes.

Any property that needs to be cut back for various reasons including:

  • creating fire breaks
  • pest control etc. to keep snakes and rodents away from your property
  • protect your neighbour’s property from unwanted pests that maybe living in the long grass.
  • unwanted council fines

Council may contact you to keep your vacant property tidy.

Avoid those unwanted fines for not keeping your property cut back.

From small sized properties to large blocks of land, call today for a quote!